Kevin and I wanted to share both sides of our experience with Remington's grand arrival! We had prayed over and longed for this amazing blessing for a long time, so we are excited to share it with you! This is my (Alysa's) version of the birth story. Enjoy!
On Friday, May 2 (also our 5th year anniversary) I had a routine doctor appointment with one of the midwives at Kaiser. I was one day shy of being 39 weeks pregnant and anxious to meet our little guy! Since my doctor had stripped my membranes the week before at another appointment and nothing substantial happened, the midwife proceeded to strip them again. If you don't know what stripping membranes are, it's where a doctor separates the cervix from the uterus. It's an uncomfortable, but quick procedure that supposedly releases labor inducing hormones. Well, it worked for me the second time! Within hours after the appointment I began feeling minor contractions. By 6:00pm that night, the contractions were steadily becoming stronger. By 10:00pm, my contractions were super painful and within 1-2 minutes apart. Even though the contractions felt like the real thing (and made me feel a little crazed), I was still unsure because everything I had read and heard had said to wait until contractions were five minutes apart for at least one hour before going to the hospital. Well, my contractions were only five minutes apart for about 20 minutes until they quickly increased to 1-2 minutes apart. Because of this, I thought I was having false labor. After a few phone calls to Kaiser's Labor and Delivery department, Kev and I finally decided to go ahead and drive to the hospital at 11:30pm. I barely remember the drive over as I was focusing on breathing and getting through the pain of several contractions.
After we checked in at Kaiser, a nurse assessed me and informed us that I was in active labor, was dilated to 4cm, and that we were going to have a baby soon! It felt so surreal, especially since we expected them to send us home. I did not feel ready at that point, but was looking forward to an epidural and meeting my son!
Forty-five minutes later I received my wonderful epidural! It felt really strange going in and I flinched twice (which you are not supposed to do... right!), but I felt great within seconds! I finally had relief, but I was too excited/nervous to get some sleep before the hard part began. Everyone kept telling me to rest up because I would need it and I really wish I would have, but I just couldn't sleep! The midwife told me I would most likely be fully dilated and ready to push by 11am the next morning (May 3rd). It seemed to go by quickly and I felt really unprepared. I became increasingly anxious as 11am drew closer. I can't recall exactly when, but somewhere in the early morning hours the midwife had to break my water since it hadn't happened yet. Shortly after that, I began to spike a fever. The nurses kept reassuring us the fever was caused from them breaking my water, but it sure was annoying, especially during the last stage of labor.
The midwife checked my progress one last time around 11am and we were good to go! Kevin, my mom, and my mother-in-law, Kelly, were all in the delivery room with me for support and encouragement. Because of the epidural, I had a really hard time knowing how and where to push. It was strange because I could feel my contractions up until it was time to push. Because I couldn't feel the contractions very well anymore, I began to get very frustrated. I was scared and felt like I was doing everything wrong. The midwife decided to lower the epidural dosage to the lowest setting (from a 12 to an 8.. whatever that means) and also added Pitocin to increase the feeling of the contractions. Well, that just sent me over the edge! I felt everything at this point and became a crazy woman! You know those movies and shows where you see the sweaty lady screaming and yelling during childbirth? Well, that was me. I felt out of my mind! I kept having panic attacks and saying I couldn't do it and didn't want to do it. It was a very scary experience for me. The nurse had to keep getting in my face and telling me to listen to her and that I needed to do this for my baby. I was so thankful we had asked our moms to be in the room with us. It was comforting having my mom there and Kelly was amazing with coaching me through it all! I pushed for almost two hours before Remington was finally out. I felt so embarrassed afterward because I was so crazy!
When Remington's head appeared, I heard the midwife yell, "Cord around the neck! One time!" After I pushed him the rest of the way out, a NICU team swept him up to the baby station on the side of the room. He had peed and pooped inside of me, so they had to make sure he didn't ingest any of it. Little did I know that he had also flat-lined at the end and wasn't breathing right away until the NICU team had him. Kevin did a good job of helping me stay calm after he was born and not letting on that there was anything wrong. I was just relieved he was out and that I could finally relax. I was beyond exhausted!
After a few minutes of laying back in a stupor, I was finally able to think somewhat clearly again. The midwife and Kevin kept telling me to look at my baby. I heard them through the fogginess of my tired brain and looked over to where I heard Rem crying as the NICU team was doing what they do. That was the sweetest sound! I looked over at Kevin and saw him crying with joy. A few minutes later, they laid my son in my arms for the first time! It felt so foreign, but familiar at the same time. I had given birth to a son and he was perfect.
Childbirth was not how I expected it to be at all, which I am sure every mother can attest to. It was horrible, it was messy, it was exhausting... but it was also the best and most challenging thing that I have ever done! And now, looking back (and still a bit traumatized), I am so thankful for the experience. God took us on a crazy journey and He blessed us with a beautiful son.
The Pawley's

Thursday, June 5, 2014
Thursday, May 16, 2013
This Journey We Call Life
Wow.. life really is a journey, isn't it? With so many twists and turns and unexpected roadblocks. I haven't blogged in a while and have been meaning to, so I thought I better get started.
To start with, we lost our second precious baby on March 16th. I was 7 weeks pregnant on the dot and began to experience the natural signs of miscarrying. Kev and I spent all day at Urgent Care where they gave me an exam, drew blood, performed an ultrasound, and ultimately told me nothing. The doctor wasn't sure if I had miscarried for certain or not, so I was forced to wait two more weeks until my scheduled appointment with my OB/GYN. At that appointment (I was supposed to be just shy of 9 weeks pregnant at that point), my doctor confirmed the miscarriage, which I was already 99.9% sure of.
The time between our first miscarriage (January 3rd, 2012) and our second (March 16th, 2013) was such a long, hard journey that I felt certain we would have a healthy baby this time. I didn't think I could handle losing another baby. I didn't think I had the strength to make it through again. Well, all I can say is that God gave me the strength. He gives and He takes away. That's all that kept running through my mind and still does. I don't deserve anything, no matter how much I want a baby right now, I don't deserve anything more than anyone else. And I am okay with that knowledge. God will bless us with a baby in His good timing according to His will. We just need to trust in Him and cling to our faith. I'm not going to lie, this whole trusting God thing through miscarriages, heartache, Kev's chronic pain, depression, and everything else is not easy at all, but who ever said it was?
My joy in finding out I was pregnant again was great, but it was also dimmed by the fear in the back of my mind. I don't think anyone can go through a miscarriage and not feel fearful the next time around. There are a few reasons I feel thankful with this miscarriage. One reason is that it happened naturally and no further action was needed. I didn't need a D&C this time, which made the healing process so much easier. Second, even though my pregnancy was shorter than the first, I was still able to feel pregnant and enjoy the miracle of it. I never got to see my baby in ultrasound, but I was definitely able to feel the life inside me. For that small joy, I am deeply grateful.
A few weeks ago, we discovered that Kevin also carries the BRCA1 gene (breast cancer gene). For men, the prognosis for future cancer is much smaller, but for our children it means a 75% chance of carrying the gene versus 50% with one carrier parent. Since we both carry the same gene, our children will have the 75% chance of carrying it. If the child receives both of our genes, the result will be death in the first few weeks of life (hence a possible reason for the miscarriages). My geneticist believes my miscarriage rate is only 5% higher than the normal 20%, but my ovarian doctor believes it to be much higher. Luckily, I believe in a God who is above all of these percentages and opinions. Kev and I must cling to God's sovereignty and the knowledge that His plan is better than ours.
At my bi-annual check-up with my ovarian doctor a few weeks ago, he talked to Kev and I about the miscarriages and proceeded to refer us to a specialist who will talk to us about our next options and hopefully keep a closer eye on me the next time I am pregnant. That appointment is in June, so we will see what transpires with that.
An update on Kevin's knees: He had seen a holistic specialist about a month or two ago who seems to think he is allergic to wheat, gluten, sugar, and dairy. We decided to give it a chance, so we switched our food over to whole and organic options. With this change, we both feel healthier and Kev's knees are actually beginning to feel better. Since he does go through waves periodically of feeling better, we are just waiting to see if this is the real deal or not. He has also been seeing a different physical therapist who is really helping Kev strengthen his leg muscles, which also seems to be helping a great deal. Please keep Kevin's continued healing in your prayers.
My hope is that this entry gave you a better glimpse into our lives as well as some comfort in your own times of fear, doubt, distress, or grief. God is the ultimate Healer, whether it is from an inner or outward perspective. Just place your trust in Him and you will find joy in even the most difficult of times. Here are some verses that a special couple encouraged us with a few months ago who had recently went through difficult times of their own:
"Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalms 73:25-26
"If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence. When I thought, 'My foot slips,' your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul." Psalms 94:17-19 (These verses especially encouraged me and rang true for my grief)
To start with, we lost our second precious baby on March 16th. I was 7 weeks pregnant on the dot and began to experience the natural signs of miscarrying. Kev and I spent all day at Urgent Care where they gave me an exam, drew blood, performed an ultrasound, and ultimately told me nothing. The doctor wasn't sure if I had miscarried for certain or not, so I was forced to wait two more weeks until my scheduled appointment with my OB/GYN. At that appointment (I was supposed to be just shy of 9 weeks pregnant at that point), my doctor confirmed the miscarriage, which I was already 99.9% sure of.
The time between our first miscarriage (January 3rd, 2012) and our second (March 16th, 2013) was such a long, hard journey that I felt certain we would have a healthy baby this time. I didn't think I could handle losing another baby. I didn't think I had the strength to make it through again. Well, all I can say is that God gave me the strength. He gives and He takes away. That's all that kept running through my mind and still does. I don't deserve anything, no matter how much I want a baby right now, I don't deserve anything more than anyone else. And I am okay with that knowledge. God will bless us with a baby in His good timing according to His will. We just need to trust in Him and cling to our faith. I'm not going to lie, this whole trusting God thing through miscarriages, heartache, Kev's chronic pain, depression, and everything else is not easy at all, but who ever said it was?
My joy in finding out I was pregnant again was great, but it was also dimmed by the fear in the back of my mind. I don't think anyone can go through a miscarriage and not feel fearful the next time around. There are a few reasons I feel thankful with this miscarriage. One reason is that it happened naturally and no further action was needed. I didn't need a D&C this time, which made the healing process so much easier. Second, even though my pregnancy was shorter than the first, I was still able to feel pregnant and enjoy the miracle of it. I never got to see my baby in ultrasound, but I was definitely able to feel the life inside me. For that small joy, I am deeply grateful.
A few weeks ago, we discovered that Kevin also carries the BRCA1 gene (breast cancer gene). For men, the prognosis for future cancer is much smaller, but for our children it means a 75% chance of carrying the gene versus 50% with one carrier parent. Since we both carry the same gene, our children will have the 75% chance of carrying it. If the child receives both of our genes, the result will be death in the first few weeks of life (hence a possible reason for the miscarriages). My geneticist believes my miscarriage rate is only 5% higher than the normal 20%, but my ovarian doctor believes it to be much higher. Luckily, I believe in a God who is above all of these percentages and opinions. Kev and I must cling to God's sovereignty and the knowledge that His plan is better than ours.
At my bi-annual check-up with my ovarian doctor a few weeks ago, he talked to Kev and I about the miscarriages and proceeded to refer us to a specialist who will talk to us about our next options and hopefully keep a closer eye on me the next time I am pregnant. That appointment is in June, so we will see what transpires with that.
An update on Kevin's knees: He had seen a holistic specialist about a month or two ago who seems to think he is allergic to wheat, gluten, sugar, and dairy. We decided to give it a chance, so we switched our food over to whole and organic options. With this change, we both feel healthier and Kev's knees are actually beginning to feel better. Since he does go through waves periodically of feeling better, we are just waiting to see if this is the real deal or not. He has also been seeing a different physical therapist who is really helping Kev strengthen his leg muscles, which also seems to be helping a great deal. Please keep Kevin's continued healing in your prayers.
My hope is that this entry gave you a better glimpse into our lives as well as some comfort in your own times of fear, doubt, distress, or grief. God is the ultimate Healer, whether it is from an inner or outward perspective. Just place your trust in Him and you will find joy in even the most difficult of times. Here are some verses that a special couple encouraged us with a few months ago who had recently went through difficult times of their own:
"Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalms 73:25-26
"If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence. When I thought, 'My foot slips,' your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul." Psalms 94:17-19 (These verses especially encouraged me and rang true for my grief)
Sunday, February 24, 2013
A Day in Our Shoes..
Wow, I didn't realize how long it has been since my last post! Well, life sure has gotten busy this past year. I became a third grade teacher, started school back up, and Kevin has been going through some pretty significant changes himself. I really just need to vent and get some of these things out in the open. I am going to be very vulnerable and open, so if you feel like I am offending you, I'm sorry, but I need to write this down. I wanted to write this post because I don't think very many people understand what Kev is really going through. I feel like most people look at us like, well it could be worse. I don't want to sound mean or judgmental, but for us, this is pretty bad and hard. I have watched Kevin change in good ways and hard ways over the past ten months. Anyone who has to deal with 24 hour, 7 days a week intense pain would understand.
Here is the back story to refresh your memories.. About ten months ago, Kevin was beginning to feel better than he had since his back issues (a whole other story). He was walking, exercising, feeling hopeful again. Then, his knees began to hurt out of nowhere. At first, his doctor treated him for Bersitis, a common knee inflammation problem. After several xrays, blood tests, MRI's, and treatments, his doctor told him he did not know what was wrong with his knees and sent him to another specialist. Since then, he has seen knee doctors, brain doctors, physical therapists, counselors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, holistic doctors, and the list goes on. He has tried countless types of pain meds, depression meds, natural meds, etc. Not one of those doctors can pinpoint what is wrong with his knees. They all figuratively throw up their hands and give up on him, passing him on to the next doctor who doesn't care.
It has been so extremely difficult to watch my husband go from a happy-go-lucky guy to someone who has had to say goodbye to his passions (outdoors, hiking, fishing, etc.). He has been suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts, and questioning God's purpose in all of this. Yes, he still has moments where I can see his goofy personality coming out again, but then the pain in his knees brings him back down. It's like an ugly, vicious cycle that never ends. Just when he thinks his knees are getting better, they get worse again. Most of the time, I have no idea what to do or how to handle all of this. I know I need to be strong and positive for him, but it is getting more and more difficult to do.
I am not writing this to make anyone feel sorry for us. That is the last thing we need. I just need to get this out. I really feel like people need to hear this. I feel like we fake smiles way too much. And I know everyone has their own set of problems and is dealing with their own horrible life events, so please be open and vulnerable in return. Life is hard sometimes, and it is so easy to drown in your problems. That's how I feel right now, like I'm in this giant, dark lake, barely able to keep my head above water. That sounds hopeless and pathetic, and I know I am stronger than I give myself credit for. It's just getting harder to watch my husband go through something this crazy. Why is God doing this? Why can't we find one doctor who actually cares enough to help us? You always hear about these unexplained medical mysteries on TV, but you never think it will happen to you. Well, Kevin is a medical mystery. Even the last doctor he was seeing said he is in the "other/unexplained" category. How hopeless is that? I mean, he is only 25! Where did this come from?
I don't want this whole blog entry to sound pathetic and hopeless. We have so many things to be thankful for. Our amazing family, our supportive and encouraging friends, the Jeep Kev was able to buy to help bridge the gap between him and the mountains, our silly pets that make us laugh all the time, our jobs that provide just enough for us, the future prospect of children (hopefully that one is the NEAR future!), and a God that continues to love and forgive us even when we question and doubt Him.
I hope this post sheds a little more light of what our life is like right now. I hope I didn't offend anyone. I was just trying to be real and vulnerable, something that is hard for me in person. If you have any questions or want to share this with anyone, please feel free to do so. Maybe there is someone out there going through something similar. Thanks for reading my ramblings.
Here is the back story to refresh your memories.. About ten months ago, Kevin was beginning to feel better than he had since his back issues (a whole other story). He was walking, exercising, feeling hopeful again. Then, his knees began to hurt out of nowhere. At first, his doctor treated him for Bersitis, a common knee inflammation problem. After several xrays, blood tests, MRI's, and treatments, his doctor told him he did not know what was wrong with his knees and sent him to another specialist. Since then, he has seen knee doctors, brain doctors, physical therapists, counselors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, holistic doctors, and the list goes on. He has tried countless types of pain meds, depression meds, natural meds, etc. Not one of those doctors can pinpoint what is wrong with his knees. They all figuratively throw up their hands and give up on him, passing him on to the next doctor who doesn't care.
It has been so extremely difficult to watch my husband go from a happy-go-lucky guy to someone who has had to say goodbye to his passions (outdoors, hiking, fishing, etc.). He has been suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts, and questioning God's purpose in all of this. Yes, he still has moments where I can see his goofy personality coming out again, but then the pain in his knees brings him back down. It's like an ugly, vicious cycle that never ends. Just when he thinks his knees are getting better, they get worse again. Most of the time, I have no idea what to do or how to handle all of this. I know I need to be strong and positive for him, but it is getting more and more difficult to do.
I am not writing this to make anyone feel sorry for us. That is the last thing we need. I just need to get this out. I really feel like people need to hear this. I feel like we fake smiles way too much. And I know everyone has their own set of problems and is dealing with their own horrible life events, so please be open and vulnerable in return. Life is hard sometimes, and it is so easy to drown in your problems. That's how I feel right now, like I'm in this giant, dark lake, barely able to keep my head above water. That sounds hopeless and pathetic, and I know I am stronger than I give myself credit for. It's just getting harder to watch my husband go through something this crazy. Why is God doing this? Why can't we find one doctor who actually cares enough to help us? You always hear about these unexplained medical mysteries on TV, but you never think it will happen to you. Well, Kevin is a medical mystery. Even the last doctor he was seeing said he is in the "other/unexplained" category. How hopeless is that? I mean, he is only 25! Where did this come from?
I don't want this whole blog entry to sound pathetic and hopeless. We have so many things to be thankful for. Our amazing family, our supportive and encouraging friends, the Jeep Kev was able to buy to help bridge the gap between him and the mountains, our silly pets that make us laugh all the time, our jobs that provide just enough for us, the future prospect of children (hopefully that one is the NEAR future!), and a God that continues to love and forgive us even when we question and doubt Him.
I hope this post sheds a little more light of what our life is like right now. I hope I didn't offend anyone. I was just trying to be real and vulnerable, something that is hard for me in person. If you have any questions or want to share this with anyone, please feel free to do so. Maybe there is someone out there going through something similar. Thanks for reading my ramblings.
Friday, August 31, 2012
We Made It!!! Well, Almost..
We didn't quite make it a week, but I think 6 days straight of just juicing is pretty darn good! I got home today extremely drained and feeling overwhelmed. Kev wanted a happy wife, so he took me out to a delicious Thai dinner date!
Great first meal to break our fast! Sad to say the food totally changed my mood, but hey, I guess it's just part of being human.
So final weight loss tally: 4 pounds! Woohoo! My goal wasn't to lose weight, but it is nice to know I'm a few pounds lighter (which will probably all be gained back by Monday haha).
This experience was a tough one, but I'm glad I tried it out. Kev is going to continue juicing at least once a day, but I'm good for a while. I know it's super healthy for me, but I think it will take at least a month before I can get myself to drink veggie juice again! I will never take chewing for granted again!
Great first meal to break our fast! Sad to say the food totally changed my mood, but hey, I guess it's just part of being human.
So final weight loss tally: 4 pounds! Woohoo! My goal wasn't to lose weight, but it is nice to know I'm a few pounds lighter (which will probably all be gained back by Monday haha).
This experience was a tough one, but I'm glad I tried it out. Kev is going to continue juicing at least once a day, but I'm good for a while. I know it's super healthy for me, but I think it will take at least a month before I can get myself to drink veggie juice again! I will never take chewing for granted again!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
A Sweet (literally!) Surprise!
Day 3 of juicing was uneventful. I felt slightly more tired, but my hunger was beginning to lessen between juices. When I got home, I was not looking forward to making another grass-tasting juice for dinner. Then, Kev surprised me by saying he was taking me to Jamba Juice for a special treat! It was still a vegetable/fruit juice, but it was a nice change considering they use way more fruit than vegetables. It was a nice midway treat and my taste buds thoroughly enjoyed the sweet/tart flavor of the berries!
Today (Day 4) found me feeling pretty well! I didn't have any hunger pains at all today! I guess I made it through the worst. Only 3 days left!!! Already planning my first solid meal!
Today (Day 4) found me feeling pretty well! I didn't have any hunger pains at all today! I guess I made it through the worst. Only 3 days left!!! Already planning my first solid meal!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Day #2 of Juice Fast!
So today found me surprisingly energetic and feeling good! I didn't get the caffeine headache like I thought I would. I felt way less irritable than usual (the things that usually annoy me were easily shrugged off and my road rage was kept in check). The juice even started tasting better, but that's probably because I felt so hungry.
The saddest part about today was that as I poured my dog and cat their dinner, their food actually smelled good to me! I think the fact that it's solid is what tempted me! It made me laugh and I moved on to finish my juice dinner.
So far so good with the juicing! Only 5 days left!
Here are some pics from my meals today if you are interested in the concoctions:
This was my breakfast and snack..
And this was my lunch!
The kale and the ginger are my least favorite flavors, but I'm getting used to it.
The saddest part about today was that as I poured my dog and cat their dinner, their food actually smelled good to me! I think the fact that it's solid is what tempted me! It made me laugh and I moved on to finish my juice dinner.
So far so good with the juicing! Only 5 days left!
Here are some pics from my meals today if you are interested in the concoctions:
This was my breakfast and snack..
And this was my lunch!
The kale and the ginger are my least favorite flavors, but I'm getting used to it.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Juice fast? Are you crazy?!?!
You may call us crazy and judge all you want, but this is what we decided is best for our bodies and minds.
So I am embarking on this new journey called juice fasting. It is what it sounds like, fasting from all solids and drinking only vegetable/fruit juice and water. For the next 7 days, Kevin and I will be doing this together! He has been juicing on and off for the past month to try and alleviate some of the pain in his knees. He has lost quite a few pounds and feels healthier. He discovered that each pound he loses takes four pounds of pressure off of his knees.
I decided yesterday to fast with him in order to support him and also to help myself. The juice helps your body overall. First, you detox (which I will go into more detail about later), then you feel more energetic and lose some weight. Your skin becomes more clear and radiant, and you just feel better. Inside, the juice is healing all your little cells and helping to fight diseases. Another goal for us through the juice fasting is to take the opportunity to grow closer to God. I know I will be praying A LOT this week as I fight the urge to eat solid food and discover my emotional attachment to food. I never thought I had an attachment to food, but oh how I was wrong! Just the thought of biting into a piece of soft, warm bread is making me salivate right now and I'm not even hungry!
I watched a documentary last night with Kevin called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." If you are interested in watching it, it's on Netflix and was a great movie! It's about a man who decided he had enough of being unhealthy and ingesting foods that were slowly killing him. He went to the extreme and fasted for 60 days, but he had a lot of weight he needed to lose and a disease he wanted to cure. Kevin and I are not going to that extreme. 7 days is enough for me!
So day 1: I am feeling tired, weak, a bit fuzzy, my brain is foggy, and I have moments where I get sweaty and nauseous. I mostly feel like punching something. This is the detox phase. My body is adjusting to this change in diet and the lack of unhealthy foods I was eating. The juice is healing me from the inside out.
Tomorrow I am sure I will start feeling my caffeine withdrawals. For those of you who know me well, you know that I am a coffee lover!!! But I've quit coffee once before not too long ago, so I know I can make it through again this time! The worst side effect are the headaches, but that should only last one day for me.
I will continue to update whoever reads this throughout the week to share how I am feeling and if it gets any easier, which it should.
Bon Apetit!!!
So I am embarking on this new journey called juice fasting. It is what it sounds like, fasting from all solids and drinking only vegetable/fruit juice and water. For the next 7 days, Kevin and I will be doing this together! He has been juicing on and off for the past month to try and alleviate some of the pain in his knees. He has lost quite a few pounds and feels healthier. He discovered that each pound he loses takes four pounds of pressure off of his knees.
I decided yesterday to fast with him in order to support him and also to help myself. The juice helps your body overall. First, you detox (which I will go into more detail about later), then you feel more energetic and lose some weight. Your skin becomes more clear and radiant, and you just feel better. Inside, the juice is healing all your little cells and helping to fight diseases. Another goal for us through the juice fasting is to take the opportunity to grow closer to God. I know I will be praying A LOT this week as I fight the urge to eat solid food and discover my emotional attachment to food. I never thought I had an attachment to food, but oh how I was wrong! Just the thought of biting into a piece of soft, warm bread is making me salivate right now and I'm not even hungry!
I watched a documentary last night with Kevin called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." If you are interested in watching it, it's on Netflix and was a great movie! It's about a man who decided he had enough of being unhealthy and ingesting foods that were slowly killing him. He went to the extreme and fasted for 60 days, but he had a lot of weight he needed to lose and a disease he wanted to cure. Kevin and I are not going to that extreme. 7 days is enough for me!
So day 1: I am feeling tired, weak, a bit fuzzy, my brain is foggy, and I have moments where I get sweaty and nauseous. I mostly feel like punching something. This is the detox phase. My body is adjusting to this change in diet and the lack of unhealthy foods I was eating. The juice is healing me from the inside out.
Tomorrow I am sure I will start feeling my caffeine withdrawals. For those of you who know me well, you know that I am a coffee lover!!! But I've quit coffee once before not too long ago, so I know I can make it through again this time! The worst side effect are the headaches, but that should only last one day for me.
I will continue to update whoever reads this throughout the week to share how I am feeling and if it gets any easier, which it should.
Bon Apetit!!!
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